"Echoes of Existence" delves into the depths of the human experience, portraying a gloomy atmosphere charged with visual impact and suppressed emotion. This thought-provoking artwork explores themes of repetition, cycles, rotation, and dynamics, inviting viewers to contemplate the complexities of existence. At the forefront of the composition lies a sense of repetition, where patterns recur and cycles unfold with mesmerizing regularity. Each repetition serves as an echo of the past, hinting at the relentless march of time and the cyclical nature of life. Amidst the repetition, cycles emerge, each one a testament to the enduring rhythms of existence. From the endless rotation of celestial bodies to the ebb and flow of tides, the cycles depicted in the artwork symbolize the passage of time and the inevitability of change. As viewers engage with "Echoes of Existence," they are drawn into a world of dynamic movement and suppressed emotion. The visual impact of the artwork captivates the senses, while the underlying themes of repetition and cycles evoke a sense of introspection and contemplation. Through its portrayal of repetition, cycles, rotation, and dynamics, "Echoes of Existence" invites viewers to explore the depths of their own existence and reflect on the universal truths that bind us all together. It serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the profound beauty that lies within the mysteries of life. Cardboard Multi-Layer |Engraving Composition Dimensions: 40 x 50cm Repetition, Cycles, Rotation, Dynamics
Echoes of Existence
SKU: 7341938